CASE STUDY PRESENTATION | $6,000 | Based on Availability
10-12 min. with slides and/or video
Logo exposure on event signage and slides
Logo exposure in email promotions and website
Logo exposure in program
Post-event registration list
GOLD | $5,000 | Based on Availability
Includes a panel spot
Logo exposure on event signage and slides
Logo exposure in email promotions and website
Logo exposure in program
Post-event registration list
NETWORKING BREAK | $3,000 | 2 Available
Sponsor of the Networking Break
Logo exposure on event signage and slides
Logo exposure in email promotions and website
Logo exposure in program
Post-event registration list
For more information, please contact:
Rob Payne, Managing Director – Worldwide Sponsor Development at rob@sportsvideo.org (+1 212 481 8131) AndrewGabel, Director – Sponsor Development at agabel@sportsvideo.org (+1 646 998 4554)
Please note – both Rob and Andrew are located in the U.S., so apologies for any delays in return contact.